Results for 'Ulysses Roberto Lio Tropia'

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  1.  26
    A semântica de Eros no tempo patrístico.Ulysses Roberto Lio Tropia - 2006 - Horizonte 5 (9):106-128.
    O objetivo deste artigo é mostrar a semântica da palavra Eros dentro da tradição cristã. Limita-se a algumas dessas significações. A reflexão mostra a limitação dessa expressão na língua portuguesa. Seu significado é muito mais rico na língua grega. Se a tradição cristã carregou esta palavra de forma negativa, outros Padres leram-na em sintonia com Ágape e com outros significados. A relação mística a interpreta como uma relação “erótica” entre homem e Deus. Esta intimidade procura explicar o aspecto do desejo (...)
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  2. Carta urgente sobre a qualidade da vida.Júlio Roberto - 1975 - [s.l.]: ITAU Edicões.
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    Events.Roberto Casati & Achille C. Varzi - 1996 - Aldershot, England and Brookfield, VT: Dartmouth.
    Philosophical questions about events lie at the crossing of several disciplines, from metaphysics and logic to philosophy of language, action theory, the philosophy of space and time.
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  4. Workplace democracy—The recent debate.Roberto Frega, Lisa Herzog & Christian Neuhäuser - 2019 - Philosophy Compass 14 (4):e12574.
    The article reviews the recent debate about workplace democracy. It first presents and critically discusses arguments in favor of democratizing the firm that are based on the analogy with states, meaningful work, the avoidance of unjustified hierarchies, and beneficial effects on political democracy. The second part presents and critically discusses arguments against workplace democracy that are based on considerations of efficiency, the difficulties of a transition towards democratic firms, and liberal commitments such as the rights of employees and owners to (...)
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  5. Scultura in sardegna dal VII al IX secolo.Roberto Coroneo - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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    Formal Ontology: Papers Presented at the International Summer School in Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence on "Formal Ontology", Bolzano, Italy, July 1-5, 1991, Central European Institute of Culture.Roberto Poli & Peter Simons (eds.) - 1996 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer.
    Formal ontology combines two ideas, one originating with Husserl, the other with Frege: that of ontology of the formal aspects of all objects, irrespective of their particular nature, and ontology pursued by employing the tools of modern formal disciplines, notably logic and semantics. These two traditions have converged in recent years and this is the first collection to encompass them as a whole in a single volume. It assembles essays from authors around the world already widely known for their work (...)
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  7. Arte-ciência: processos criativos.Evandro Fiorin, Paula da Cruz Landim & Rosangela da Silva Leote (eds.) - 2015 - São Paulo: Cultura Acadêmica Editora.
    This book is the outcome of the Workshop Ciências Humanas, held in the city of São Pedro (SP), by thePROPe (Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa da Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" - Unesp), with the aim of comprising ebooks for the collection "Desafios Contemporâneos". On this occasion, a team of teachers and representatives of research groups, formed by academics Evandro Fiorin, José Marcos Romão da Silva, Maria Antônia Benutti, Paula da Cruz Landim, Paulo Roberto Masseran, Rosa Maria Araújo Simões (...)
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    On the fittingness of agential evaluations.Roberto Keller - 2022 - Philosophical Explorations 25 (2):251–268.
    According to a leading view, emotions such as admiration, contempt, pride, and shame are important vehicles of agential development. Through admiration and contempt, we establish models and countermodels against which to shape our character; through pride and shame, we get a sense of how we measure up to them. Critics of this view object that these emotions always deliver uncompromising evaluations: admiration casts people in a completely positive light, while contempt casts aspersion on them. Therefore, insofar as they lack the (...)
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    Democratic Patterns of Interaction as a Norm for the Workplace.Roberto Frega - 2019 - Journal of Social Philosophy 51 (1):27-53.
  10. Res, ens and aliquid.Roberto Poli - 1996 - In Roberto Poli & Peter Simons (eds.), Formal Ontology: Papers Presented at the International Summer School in Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence on "Formal Ontology", Bolzano, Italy, July 1-5, 1991, Central European Institute of Culture. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer. pp. 1-26.
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    Por que é impossível se ser cético nos dias atuais. Uma breve refutação do Neopirronismo.Roberto Horácio Sá Pereira - 2020 - Discurso 50 (2):85-109.
    Duas questões fundamentais do pirronismo serão abordadas, a primeira é de natureza histórica: seria tal Neopirronismo congruente com o espírito e a letra do Pirronismo original? Nesse particular a resposta não poderia ser mais afirmativa. Distinguindo-se tanto chamada leitura dita “Urbana” quanto da leitura dita “Rústica,” não há como negar originalidade à leitura Neopirrônica. Ora, mas uma vez que Neopirronismo se assume como projeto filosófico próprio, ele enfrenta uma segunda questão premente: ele se sustentaria pelas suas próprias pernas? A tentativa (...)
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  12. Elementi per un'etica della vita.Roberto Tamanti - 2002 - Miscellanea Francescana 102 (3-4):581-650.
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    El enraizamiento de la historicidad en el tiempo.Roberto J. Walton - 2018 - Studia Heideggeriana 7:187-214.
    Se intentan poner de manifiesto isomorfismos estructurales en las teorías de Heidegger y Husserl sobre tiempo e historia. En relación con Ser y tiempo, la atención está puesta en la tesis compartida de que la historiografía está arraigada en la historicidad y esta en la temporeidad. Con referencia al curso de 1934 se pone de relieve la convergencia heideggeriana de misión, encargo y trabajo, que remiten al futuro, al pasado y al presente. Se muestran nociones equivalentes en los niveles que (...)
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  14.  13
    Two: The Machine of Political Theology and the Place of Thought.Roberto Esposito - 2020 - Fordham University Press.
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    Oikeiosis: ricerche sul fondamento del pensiero stoico e sulla sua genesi.Roberto Radice - 2000 - Milano: Vita e Pensiero.
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    Slipping on slippery slope arguments.Roberto Fumagalli - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (4):412-419.
    Slippery slope arguments (SSAs) are used in a wide range of philosophical debates, but are often dismissed as empirically ill-founded and logically fallacious. In particular, leading authors put forward a meta-SSA which points to instances of empirically ill-founded and logically fallacious SSAs and to the alleged existence of a slippery slope leading to such SSAs to demonstrate that people should avoid using SSAs altogether. In this paper, I examine these prominent calls against using SSAs and argue that such calls do (...)
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  17.  14
    BabelNet: The automatic construction, evaluation and application of a wide-coverage multilingual semantic network.Roberto Navigli & Simone Paolo Ponzetto - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence 193 (C):217-250.
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    International Policy and a Universal Conception of Human Dignity.Roberto Andorno - 2012 - In Stephen Dilley & Nathan J. Palpant (eds.), Human Dignity in Bioethics: From Worldviews to the Public Square. New York: Routledge. pp. 13--127.
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    Fenomeno umano e ambiente divino: il problema del male in Teilhard de Chardin.Roberto Bagnulo - 2001 - Firenze: Clinamen.
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    La potenza all'origine: Heidegger interprete di Aristotele.Roberto Giusti - 2000 - Napoli: Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici.
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    (1 other version)Francis of marchia and William of ockham: Fragments from a dialogue.Roberto Lambertini - 2006 - Vivarium 44 (1):184-204.
    It is well known that Francis of Marchia and William of Ockham joined Michael of Cesena's rebellion against the pope, together escaping from Avignon and signing documents supporting Cesena's defence of Franciscan poverty. The relationship between the works of the two thinkers, on the other hand, is the subject of ongoing investigation. After discussing Francis' rejection in his Commentary on the Sentences of Ockham's theory of quantity, this paper shows how Francis' Improbatio became a source for Ockham's Opus Nonaginta Dierum. (...)
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  22.  31
    How can development and plasticity contribute to understanding evolution of the human brain?Roberto Lent & Fernanda Tovar-Moll - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  23. Matemática filosofica egizio-platonica.Roberto Luca - 2002 - Filosofia Oggi 25 (97):21-50.
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    Nietzsche e o renascimento do trágico.Roberto Machado - 2005 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 46 (112):174-182.
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    Introduction to metamoral.Roberto Magari - 1992 - In Cristina Bicchieri & Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara (eds.), Knowledge, Belief, and Strategic Interaction. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 257.
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  26. Regular e inmunizar: una interpretación inmunitaria de la regulación jurídica.Roberto Mario Magliano - 2022 - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Fabián J. Di Plácido Editor.
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    Des systèmes de guerre à une société de paix.Roberto Mancini & Brigitte Rollet - 2014 - Diogène n° 243-243 (3/4):85-100.
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    Etologia del desiderio: riscoprire la propria animalità.Roberto Marchesini - 2023 - Torino: Lindau.
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    I saperi della scuola.Roberto Maragliano - 1990 - Scandicci, Firenze: La nuova Italia.
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    Dalla pedagogia di Fourier alla pedagogia di Marx.Roberto Mazzetti - 1972 - Salerno,: Beta.
  31. Religione e Providenza in Vico.Roberto Mazzola - 1996 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 26:101-126.
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  32. Scienza e Filosofia della natura nella Napoli del tardo Settecento: Note sul Plantarum rariorum Regni Neapolitani di Domenico Cirillo.Roberto Mazzola - 2007 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 37:159-174.
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    Divinizzazione dell'umano e pathos conoscitivo nelle lettere di Ficino.Roberto Melisi - 2020 - Milano: Mimesis.
  34. Introducción al pensamiento del P. Lotz, SI.Roberto Prieto - 1968 - Verdad y Vida 26 (103-104):391-430.
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    The Life of Niccolò Machiavelli.Roberto Ridolfi - 2009 - Routledge.
    This biography of Macchiavelli is widely regarded as Ridolfi’s masterpiece and is based on much material drawn from private and public archives. It presents a fresh interpretation of Macchiavelli’s career and writings and here, for example the dating of the composition of such famous works as the Prince and the Mandragola is established for the first time. This English translation, when originally published in 1963 included numerous correction and additions which brought it up to date with the most recent studies (...)
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  36. Corpo e cristal: Marx romântico.Roberto Romano - 1985 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Editora Guanabara.
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    Confidence-based reasoning in stochastic constraint programming.Roberto Rossi, Brahim Hnich, S. Armagan Tarim & Steven Prestwich - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence 228 (C):129-152.
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  38. Il caso Nietzsche: il crepuscolo e l'aurora.Roberto Rossi - 1989 - Filosofia Oggi 12 (3):343-360.
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  39.  19
    Conjuntivismo, disyuntivismo y fenomenología husserliana.Roberto Rubio & Francisco Pereira - 2021 - Tópicos 42:158-188.
    El presente trabajo intenta poner de relieve algunos de los principales desafíos que trae consigo la tarea de situar a Husserl en el debate entre conjuntivistas y disyuntivistas. Para ello, realizaremos un análisis crítico de la discusión desarrollada por Overgaard. Sobre la base de dicho análisis, expondremos tres desafíos: en primer lugar, el desafío de sistematizar apropiadamente las discrepancias fundamentales y los elementos en común entre las posiciones conjuntivista y disyuntivista; en segundo lugar, el desafío de utilizar con claridad y (...)
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  40. La declinazione tragica dell'ermeneutica in Pareyson.Roberto Sega - 1998 - Giornale di Metafisica 20 (1-2):127-150.
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    Slurs, truth-value judgements, and context sensitivity.Roberto B. Sileo - 2018 - Human Affairs 28 (1):17-23.
    Cappelen and Lepore (2005) claim that the English language contains a basic and limited set of context-sensitive expressions, as only expressions within this set pass the truth-related tests that they propose to single out context-sensitive from context-insensitive words. In this paper, I argue that racial and ethnic slurs also pass Cappelen and Lepore’s context sensitivity tests and that, as a result, slurs should also be seen as context-sensitive expressions in a truth-related sense.
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    Evento e genesi: Heidegger e il problema di una cosmologia fenomenologica.Roberto Terzi - 2016 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  43. Ronald Giere, "explaining science".Roberto Torretti - 1990 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 25 (55):199.
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    The Geometric Structure of the Universe.Roberto Torretti - 1991 - In Evandro Agazzi & Alberto Cordero (eds.), Philosophy and the Origin and Evolution of the Universe. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 53--73.
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  45. Law and morality an analysis of their possible relations.Roberto J. Vernengo - 1993 - Rechtstheorie. Beiheft 15:59-69.
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  46. Perspectivismo y relacionismo en el pensamiento de Florencio González Asenjo.Roberto J. Walton - 1976 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 16 (24):81.
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    Un ejemplo husserliano de indicación formal.Roberto J. Walton - 2016 - Studia Heideggeriana 5:35-70.
    El artículo argumenta que se puede trazar un paralelo entre la elaboración husserliana del imperativo categórico y la caracterización heideggeriana de la indicación formal en los tempranos cursos de Friburgo. Introduce la cuestión con una exposición de la distinción heideggeriana entre los niveles de objetualización teórica, objetivización formal y el “proto-algo”. El artículo se ocupa luego de comparar el sentido de contenido heideggeriano con la primera formulación del imperativo categórico como un motivo conductor para subsiguientes especificaciones. Esto proporciona una base (...)
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  48. The Right of Resistance in Situations of Severe Deprivation.Roberto Gargarella - 2007 - In Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge (ed.), Freedom From Poverty as a Human Right: Who Owes What to the Very Poor? Co-Published with Unesco. Oxford University Press.
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  49. Ontologia e logica in Franz Brentano: giudizi categorici e giudizi tetici.Roberto Poli - 1993 - Epistemologia 16 (1):39-76.
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    The sceptical road: Aenesidemus' appropriation of Heraclitus.Roberto Polito - 2004 - Boston: Brill.
    The book addresses the question of the alleged Heracliteanism of the Sceptic philosopher Aenesidemus of Cnossus.
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